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Baseball Dope Player Index - E
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Players Beginning with E

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NameGiven NameYears Played
Don EaddyDonald Johnson Eaddy1959 to 1959
Ryan EadesRyan Nelson Eades2019 to 2019
Bill EaganWilliam Eagan1891 to 1898
Truck EaganCharles Eugene Eagan1901 to 1901
Bill EagleWilliam Lycurgus Eagle1898 to 1898
Charlie EakleCharles Emory Eakle1915 to 1915
Howard EarlHoward J. Earl1890 to 1891
Scott EarlWilliam Scott Earl1984 to 1984
Billy EarleWilliam Moffat Earle1889 to 1894
Arnold EarleyArnold Carl Earley1960 to 1967
Bill EarleyWilliam Albert Earley1986 to 1986
Tom EarleyThomas Francis Aloysius Earley1938 to 1945
Jake EarlyJacob Willard Early1939 to 1949
George EarnshawGeorge Livingston Earnshaw1928 to 1936
Mike EaslerMichael Anthony Easler1973 to 1987
Damion EasleyJacinto Damion Easley1992 to 2008
Ed EasleyEdward Michael Easley2015 to 2015
Logan EasleyKenneth Logan Easley1987 to 1989
Mal EasonMalcolm Wayne Eason1900 to 1906
Carl EastCarlton William East1915 to 1924
Harry EastHarry H. East1882 to 1882
Hugh EastGordon Hugh East1941 to 1943
Luke EasterLuscious Luke Easter1949 to 1954
Henry EasterdayHenry P. Easterday1888 to 1890
Paul EasterlingPaul Easterling1928 to 1938
Jamie EasterlyJames Morris Easterly1974 to 1987
Ted EasterlyTheodore Harrison Easterly1909 to 1913
Roy EasterwoodRoy Charles Easterwood1944 to 1944
Jack EastonJohn S. Easton1889 to 1894
John EastonJohn David Easton1955 to 1959
Rawly EastwickRawlins Jackson Eastwick1974 to 1981
Adam EatonAdam Thomas Eaton2000 to 2009
Adam EatonAdam C. Eaton2012 to 2021
Craig EatonCraig Eaton1979 to 1979
Nate EatonNathan Wyatt Eaton2022 to 2023
Zeb EatonZebulon Vance Eaton1944 to 1945
Gary EaveGary Louis Eave1988 to 1990
Vallie EavesVallie Ennis Eaves1935 to 1942
Eddie EayrsEdwin Eayrs1913 to 1921
Derrin EbertDerrin Lee Ebert1999 to 1999
Hi EbrightHiram C. Ebright1889 to 1889
Harry EcclesHarry Josiah Eccles1915 to 1915
Angel EchevarriaAngel Santos Echevarria1996 to 2002
Johnny EcholsJohn Gresham Echols1939 to 1939
Eric EckenstahlerEric Ryan Eckenstahler2002 to 2003
Dennis EckersleyDennis Lee Eckersley1975 to 1998
Al EckertAlbert George Eckert1930 to 1935
Charlie EckertCharles William Eckert1919 to 1922
Ox EckhardtOscar George Eckhardt1932 to 1936
David EcksteinDavid Mark Eckstein2001 to 2010
Chris EddyChristopher Mark Eddy1995 to 1995
Don EddyDonald Eugene Eddy1970 to 1971
Steve EddySteven Allen Eddy1979 to 1979
Ed EdelenEdward Joseph Edelen1932 to 1932
Joe EdelenBenny Joe Edelen1981 to 1982
John EdelmanJohn Rogers Edelman1955 to 1955
Cam EdenCameron Ray Eden2023 to 2023
Charlie EdenCharles M. Eden1877 to 1885
Mike EdenEdward Michael Eden1976 to 1978
Ken EdenfieldKenneth Edward Edenfield1995 to 1996
Tom EdensThomas Patrick Edens1987 to 1995
Jake EderJacob Andrew Eder2024 to 2024
Butch EdgeClaude Lee Edge1979 to 1979
Bill EdgertonWilliam Albert Edgerton1966 to 1969
Josh EdginJoshua Wayne Edgin2012 to 2017
Stump EdingtonJacob Frank Edington1912 to 1912
Steve EdlefsenSteven Bradley Edlefsen2011 to 2012
Dave EdlerDavid Delmer Edler1980 to 1983
Tommy EdmanThomas Hyunsu Edman2019 to 2024
Jim EdmondsJames Patrick Edmonds1993 to 2010
Brian EdmondsonBrian Christopher Edmondson1998 to 1999
George EdmondsonGeorge Henderson Edmondson1922 to 1924
Paul EdmondsonPaul Michael Edmondson1969 to 1969
Eddie EdmonsonEarl Edward Edmonson1913 to 1913
Sam EdmonstonSamuel Sherwood Edmonston1907 to 1907
Bob EdmundsonRobert E. Edmundson1906 to 1908
EdwardsEdwards1875 to 1875
Bruce EdwardsCharles Bruce Edwards1946 to 1956
Carl EdwardsCarl Fleming, Jr. Edwards2015 to 2024
Dave EdwardsDavid Leonard Edwards1978 to 1982
Doc EdwardsHoward Rodney Edwards1962 to 1970
Foster EdwardsFoster Hamilton Edwards1925 to 1930
Hank EdwardsHenry Albert Edwards1941 to 1953
James EdwardsJames Corbette Edwards1922 to 1928
Johnny EdwardsJohn Alban Edwards1961 to 1974
Jon EdwardsJonathan B. Edwards2014 to 2019
Marshall EdwardsMarshall Lynn Edwards1981 to 1983
Mike EdwardsMichael Donald Edwards2003 to 2006
Mike EdwardsMichael Lewis Edwards1977 to 1980
Ralph EdwardsRalph Strunk Edwards1915 to 1915
Sherman EdwardsSherman Stanley Edwards1934 to 1934
Wayne EdwardsWayne Maurice Edwards1989 to 1991
Xavier EdwardsXavier James Edwards2023 to 2024
Harry EellsHarry Archibald Eells1906 to 1906
Robert EenhoornRobert Franciscus Eenhoorn1994 to 1997
Scott EffrossScott Benjamin-Morton Effross2021 to 2024
Zach EflinZachary Adams Eflin2016 to 2024
Ben EganArthur Augustus Egan1908 to 1915
Dick EganRichard Joseph Egan1908 to 1916
Dick EganRichard Wallis Egan1963 to 1967
Jim EganJames K. Egan1882 to 1882
Rip EganJohn Joseph Egan1894 to 1894
Tom EganThomas Patrick Egan1965 to 1975
Wish EganAloysius Jerome Egan1902 to 1906
Jack EgbertJohn Edward Egbert2009 to 2012
Cody EgeCody Paul Ege2016 to 2016
Elmer EggertElmer Albert Eggert1927 to 1927
Dave EgglerDavid Daniel Eggler1871 to 1885
Bruce EgloffBruce Edward Egloff1991 to 1991
Howard EhmkeHoward Jonathan Ehmke1916 to 1930
Red EhretPhilip Sydney Ehret1888 to 1898
Rube EhrhardtWelton Claude Ehrhardt1924 to 1929
Hack EibelHenry Hack Eibel1912 to 1920
Brett EibnerBrett William Eibner2016 to 2020
Juan EichelbergerJuan Tyrone Eichelberger1978 to 1988
Mark EichhornMark Anthony Eichhorn1982 to 1996
Ike EichrodtFrederick George Eichrodt1925 to 1931
Jerad EickhoffJerad Joseph Eickhoff2015 to 2022
Dave EilandDavid William Eiland1988 to 2000
Dave EilersDavid Louis Eilers1964 to 1967
Darrell EinertsonDarrell Lee Einertson2000 to 2000
Joey EischenJoseph Raymond Eischen1994 to 2006
Jake EisenhartJacob Henry Eisenhart1944 to 1944
Jim EisenreichJames Michael Eisenreich1982 to 1998
Harry EisenstatHarry Eisenstat1935 to 1942
Brandon EisertBrandon Michael Eisert2024 to 2024
Ed EiteljorgeEdward Henry Eiteljorge1890 to 1891
Michael EkstromMichael Robert Ekstrom2008 to 2012
ElandEland1873 to 1873
Scott ElartonVincent Scott Elarton1998 to 2008
Kid ElberfeldNorman Arthur Elberfeld1898 to 1914
Scott ElbertTimothy Scott Elbert2008 to 2014
Bryce ElderBryce Cason Elder2022 to 2024
Dave ElderDavid Matthew Elder2002 to 2003
George ElderGeorge Rezin Elder1949 to 1949
Heinie ElderHenry Knox Elder1913 to 1913
Brad EldredBradley Ross Eldred2005 to 2012
Cal EldredCalvin John Eldred1991 to 2005
Lee EliaLee Constantine Elia1966 to 1968
Roenis EliasRoenis (Leliebre) Elias2014 to 2022
Pete ElkoPeter Elko1943 to 1944
Roy EllamRoy Ellam1909 to 1918
Fraser EllardFraser Ellard2024 to 2024
Seth ElledgeSeth Wayne Elledge2020 to 2021
Hod EllerHorace Owen Eller1917 to 1921
Frank EllerbeFrancis Rogers Ellerbe1919 to 1924
Joe EllickJoseph J. Ellick1875 to 1880
Bruce EllingsenHarold Bruce Ellingsen1974 to 1974
Brian EllingtonBrian Michael Ellington2015 to 2017
Larry ElliotLawrence Lee Elliot1962 to 1966
Allen ElliottAllen Clifford Elliott1923 to 1924
Bob ElliottRobert Irving Elliott1939 to 1953
Carter ElliottCarter Ward Elliott1921 to 1921
Claud ElliottClaud Judson Elliott1904 to 1905
Donnie ElliottDonald Glenn Elliott1994 to 1995
Gene ElliottEugene Birminghouse Elliott1911 to 1911
Glenn ElliottHerbert Glenn Elliott1947 to 1949
Hal ElliottHarold William Elliott1929 to 1932
Harry ElliottHarry Lewis Elliott1953 to 1955
Jumbo ElliottJames Thomas Elliott1923 to 1934
Randy ElliottRandy Lee Elliott1972 to 1980
Rowdy ElliottHarold Bell Elliott1910 to 1920
A.J. EllisAndrew James Ellis2008 to 2018
Ben EllisAlfred Benjamin Ellis1896 to 1896
Chris EllisChristopher John Ellis2019 to 2022
Dock EllisDock Phillip Ellis1968 to 1979
Drew EllisDrew Mitchell Ellis2021 to 2023
Duke EllisRobert Duke Ellis2024 to 2024
Jim EllisJames Russell Ellis1967 to 1969
John EllisJohn Charles Ellis1969 to 1981
Mark EllisMark William Ellis2002 to 2014
Rob EllisRobert Walter Ellis1971 to 1975
Robert EllisRobert Randolph Ellis1996 to 2003
Rube EllisGeorge William Ellis1909 to 1912
Sammy EllisSamuel Joseph Ellis1962 to 1969
Babe EllisonHerbert Spencer Ellison1916 to 1920
George EllisonGeorge Russell Ellison1920 to 1920
Jason EllisonJason Jerome Ellison2003 to 2008
Jacoby EllsburyJacoby McCabe Ellsbury2007 to 2017
Dick EllsworthRichard Clark Ellsworth1958 to 1971
Steve EllsworthSteven Clark Ellsworth1988 to 1988
Jake ElmoreJacob Elmore2012 to 2019
Verdo ElmoreVerdo Wilson Elmore1924 to 1924
Roy ElshEugene Raybold Elsh1923 to 1925
Kevin ElsterKevin Daniel Elster1986 to 2000
Don ElstonDonald Ray Elston1953 to 1964
Narciso ElviraNarciso Chicho (Delgado) Elvira1990 to 1990
Bones ElyWilliam Frederick Ely1884 to 1902
Harry ElyHarry Ely1892 to 1892
John ElyJohn Daniel Ely2010 to 2012
Kent EmanuelKent Jeffrey Emanuel2021 to 2024
Brad EmausBradley Mark Emaus2011 to 2011
Alan EmbreeAlan Duane Embree1992 to 2009
Red EmbreeCharles Willard Embree1941 to 1949
Slim EmbreyCharles Akin Embrey1923 to 1923
Chester EmersonChester Arthur Emerson1911 to 1912
Cal EmeryCalvin Wayne Emery1963 to 1963
Spoke EmeryHerrick Smith Emery1924 to 1924
Charlie EmigCharles Henry Emig1896 to 1896
Frank EmmerFrank William Emmer1916 to 1926
Bob EmmerichRobert George Emmerich1923 to 1923
Slim EmmerichWilliam Peter Emmerich1945 to 1946
Bob EmslieRobert Daniel Emslie1883 to 1885
Angelo EncarnacionAngelo Benjamin Encarnacion1995 to 1997
Edwin EncarnacionEdwin Elpidio Encarnacion2005 to 2020
Jerar EncarnacionJerar Luis Encarnacion2022 to 2024
Juan EncarnacionJuan de Dios Encarnacion1997 to 2007
Luis EncarnacionLuis Martin Lora Encarnacion1990 to 1990
Mario EncarnacionMario (Gonzalez) Encarnacion2001 to 2002
Christian Encarnacion-StrandChristian Lee Encarnacion-Strand2023 to 2024
Trevor EndersTrevor Hale Enders2000 to 2000
Bill EndicottWilliam Franklin Endicott1946 to 1946
Adam EngelAdam Trevor Engel2017 to 2023
Joe EngelJoseph William Engel1912 to 1920
Steve EngelSteven Michael Engel1985 to 1985
Charlie EngleCharlie August Engle1925 to 1930
Clyde EngleArthur Clyde Engle1909 to 1916
Dave EngleRalph David Engle1981 to 1989
Rick EngleRichard Douglas Engle1981 to 1981
Mason EnglertMason Alexander Englert2023 to 2024
Charlie EnglishCharles Dewie English1932 to 1937
Gil EnglishGilbert Raymond English1931 to 1944
Jesse EnglishJesse Logan English2010 to 2010
Woody EnglishElwood George English1927 to 1938
Del EnnisDelmer Ennis1946 to 1959
John EnnisJohn Wayne Ennis2002 to 2007
Russ EnnisRussell Elwood Ennis1926 to 1926
Dietrich EnnsDietrich Enns2017 to 2021
Barry EnrightBarry R. Enright2010 to 2013
George EnrightGeorge Albert Enright1976 to 1976
Jack EnrightJackson Percy Enright1917 to 1917
Jewel EnsJewel Winklemeyer Ens1922 to 1925
Mutz EnsAnton Ens1912 to 1912
Morgan EnsbergMorgan Paul Ensberg2000 to 2008
Charlie EnwrightCharles Massey Enwright1909 to 1909
Terry EnyartTerry Gene Enyart1974 to 1974
Jack EnzenrothClarence Herman Enzenroth1914 to 1914
Johnny EnzmannJohn Enzmann1914 to 1920
Nathan EovaldiNathan Edward Eovaldi2011 to 2024
Jim EppardJames Gerhard Eppard1987 to 1990
Al EpperlyAlbert Paul Epperly1938 to 1950
Cody EppleyCody Allen Eppley2011 to 2013
Aubrey EppsAubrey Lee Epps1935 to 1935
Hal EppsHarold Franklin Epps1938 to 1944
Mike EpsteinMichael Peter Epstein1966 to 1974
Greg ErardiJoseph Gregory Erardi1977 to 1977
Eddie ErauttEdward Lorenz Sebastian Erautt1947 to 1953
Joe ErauttJoseph Michael Erautt1950 to 1951
Lucas ErcegLucas Stijepan Erceg2023 to 2024
Todd ErdosTodd Michael Erdos1997 to 2001
John EricksJohn Edward Ericks1995 to 1997
Don EricksonDon Lee Erickson1958 to 1958
Eric EricksonEric George Adolph Erickson1914 to 1922
Hal EricksonHarold James Erickson1953 to 1953
Hank EricksonHenry Nels Erickson1935 to 1935
Matt EricksonMatt Erickson2004 to 2004
Paul EricksonPaul Walford Erickson1941 to 1948
Ralph EricksonRalph Lief Erickson1929 to 1930
Roger EricksonRoger Farrell Erickson1978 to 1983
Scott EricksonScott Gavin Erickson1990 to 2006
Robbie ErlinRobert J. Erlin2013 to 2022
Cal ErmerCalvin Coolidge Ermer1947 to 1947
Frank ErnagaFrank John Ernaga1957 to 1958
Dick ErricksonRichard Merriwell Errickson1938 to 1942
Carl ErskineCarl Daniel Erskine1948 to 1959
Darin ErstadDarin Charles Erstad1996 to 2009
Phil ErvinPhillip S. Ervin2017 to 2020
Tex ErwinRoss Emil Erwin1907 to 1914
Nick EsaskyNicholas Andrew Esasky1983 to 1990
Nino EscaleraSaturnino (Cuadrado) Escalera1954 to 1954
Edgmer EscalonaEdgmer Eduarado Escalona2010 to 2013
Felix EscalonaFelix Eduardo Escalona2002 to 2005
Sergio EscalonaSergio Luis Escalona2009 to 2011
Chico EscarregaErnesto (Acosta) Escarrega1982 to 1982
Jake EschJacob Otto Esch2016 to 2017
Jim EschenJames Godrich Eschen1915 to 1915
Larry EschenLawrence Edward Eschen1942 to 1942
Alcides EscobarAlcides Escobar2008 to 2022
Alex EscobarAlexander Jose Escobar2001 to 2006
Angel EscobarAngel Ruben (Rivas) Escobar1988 to 1988
Eduardo EscobarEduardo Jose Escobar2011 to 2023
Edwin EscobarEdwin Jose Escobar2014 to 2016
Jose EscobarJose Elias (Sanchez) Escobar1991 to 1991
Kelvim EscobarKelvim Jose (Bolivar) Escobar1997 to 2009
Luis EscobarLuis Alberto Escobar2019 to 2019
Yunel EscobarYunel Escobar2007 to 2017
Tom EshelmanThomas Darwin Eshelman2019 to 2021
Vaughn EshelmanVaughn Michael Eshelman1995 to 1997
Jimmy EsmondJames J. Esmond1911 to 1912
Jose EspadaJose Manuel Espada2023 to 2023
Duke EsperCharles H. Esper1890 to 1898
Raynel EspinalRaynel Joseph Espinal2021 to 2022
Santiago EspinalSantiago Roman Espinal2020 to 2024
Geno EspineliEugene Macalalag Espineli2008 to 2008
Juan EspinoJuan (Reyes) Espino1982 to 1986
Paolo EspinoPaolo Alesandro Espino2017 to 2024
Danny EspinosaDaniel R. Espinosa2010 to 2017
Nino EspinosaArnulfo Acevedo Espinosa1974 to 1981
Alvaro EspinozaAlvaro Alberto (Ramirez) Espinoza1984 to 1997
Anderson EspinozaAnderson Jose Espinoza2022 to 2022
Brian EspositoBrian James Esposito2007 to 2010
Mike EspositoMichael Anthony Esposito2005 to 2005
Sammy EspositoSamuel Esposito1952 to 1963
Cecil EspyCecil Edward Espy1983 to 1993
Chuck EssegianCharles Abraham Essegian1958 to 1963
Mark EsserMark Gerald Esser1979 to 1979
Jim EssianJames Sarkis Essian1973 to 1984
Bill EssickWilliam Earl Essick1906 to 1907
Bobby EstalellaRobert M. Estalella1996 to 2004
Bobby EstalellaRoberto (Ventoza) Estalella1935 to 1949
Dick EstelleRichard Henry Estelle1964 to 1965
Dude EsterbrookThomas John Esterbrook1880 to 1891
Joey EstesJoseph Lee Estes2023 to 2024
Shawn EstesAaron Shawn Estes1995 to 2008
Carlos EstevezCarlos Samuel (Martinez) Estevez2016 to 2024
George EstockGeorge John Estock1951 to 1951
Chuck EstradaCharles Leonard Estrada1960 to 1967
Frank EstradaFrancisco (Soto) Estrada1971 to 1971
Horacio EstradaHoracio (Jimenez) Estrada1999 to 2001
Jeremiah EstradaJeremiah Ramiro Estrada2022 to 2024
Johnny EstradaJohnny Pulado Estrada2001 to 2008
Marco EstradaMarco R. Estrada2008 to 2019
Oscar EstradaOscar Estrada1929 to 1929
Thairo EstradaThairo Jose Estrada2019 to 2024
Leo EstrellaLeoncio (Ramirez) Estrella2000 to 2004
Andy EtchebarrenAndrew Auguste Etchebarren1962 to 1978
Buck EtchisonClarence Hampton Etchison1943 to 1944
Bobby EtheridgeBobby Lamar Etheridge1967 to 1969
Seth EthertonSeth Michael Etherton2000 to 2006
Andre EthierAndre Everett Ethier2006 to 2017
Nick EttenNicholas Raymond Thomas Etten1938 to 1947
Mark EttlesMark Edward Ettles1993 to 1993
John EubankJohn Franklin Eubank1905 to 1907
Uel EubanksUel Melvin Eubanks1922 to 1922
Frank EufemiaFrank Anthony Eufemia1985 to 1985
Fred EunickFernandes Bowen Eunick1917 to 1917
Tony EusebioRaul Antonio Bare Eusebio1991 to 2001
Frank EustaceFrank John Eustace1896 to 1896
EvansEvans1875 to 1875
Al EvansAlfred Hubert Evans1939 to 1951
Art EvansWilliam Arthur Evans1932 to 1932
Barry EvansBarry Steven Evans1978 to 1982
Bart EvansBart Steven Evans1998 to 1998
Bill EvansWilliam James Evans1916 to 1919
Bill EvansWilliam Lawrence Evans1949 to 1951
Chick EvansCharles Franklin Evans1909 to 1910
Darrell EvansDarrell Wayne Evans1969 to 1989
Demarcus EvansDemarcus Malik Evans2020 to 2021
Dwight EvansDwight Michael Evans1972 to 1991
Jake EvansUriah L. P. Evans1879 to 1885
Joe EvansJoseph Patton Evans1915 to 1925
Nick EvansNicholas R. Evans2008 to 2014
Phillip EvansPhillip Matthew Evans2017 to 2021
Red EvansRussell Edison Evans1936 to 1939
Roy EvansRoy Evans1897 to 1903
Steve EvansLouis Richard Evans1908 to 1913
Terry EvansMichael Terry Evans2007 to 2010
Tom EvansThomas John Evans1997 to 2000
Dana EvelandDana James Eveland2005 to 2016
Adam EverettJeffrey Adam Everett2001 to 2011
Carl EverettCarl Edward Everett1993 to 2006
Tommy EveridgeThomas James Everidge2009 to 2009
Bill EverittWilliam Lee Everitt1895 to 1901
Leon EverittEdward Leon Everitt1969 to 1969
Hoot EversWalter Arthur Evers1941 to 1956
Joe EversJoseph Francis Evers1913 to 1913
Johnny EversJohn Joseph Evers1902 to 1929
Tom EversThomas Francis Evers1882 to 1882
Bryan EversgerdBryan David Eversgerd1994 to 1998
George EwellGeorge W. Ewell1871 to 1871
Bob EwingGeorge Lemuel Ewing1902 to 1912
Buck EwingWilliam Ewing1880 to 1897
John EwingJohn Ewing1883 to 1891
Reuben EwingReuben Ewing1921 to 1921
Sam EwingSamuel James Ewing1973 to 1978
Art EwoldtArthur Lee Ewoldt1919 to 1919
Luis ExpositoLuis Exposito2012 to 2012
Scott EyreScott Alan Eyre1997 to 2009
Willie EyreWilliam Mays Eyre2006 to 2011
George EyrichGeorge Lincoln Eyrich1943 to 1943
Homer EzzellHomer Estell Ezzell1923 to 1925
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